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Humanitarian Leadership

Education and Trainings

Emissary of Peace International is a...

Higher Consciousness Educational School and Healing Sanctuary

for aligning with the Supreme Law of Love and the Principle of Interdependence.

An Emissary of Peace is a Wayshower...

offering to the multi-cultural collective of humanity,

an invitation to choose peace, right here right now, for harmony and unity.

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti...

Let there be Peace right here;

Let there be Peace right now... Om Shanti

Emissary Of Peace Tenet


To be an Emissary of Peace is...


TO BE A WAYSHOWER embodying the attributes of Love, Compassion and Peace.


TO BE A REPRESENTATIVE of the Law of Love:


"Treat Others as You Would Have Them Treat You"


TO BE A CATALYST for the evolutionary awakening of Unity Consciousness.


TO BE AN OASIS for all sentient beings, providing a Sanctuary of Peace.


TO BE A REMINDER of our true Essential Being and Life Purpose.


TO BE A GUARDIAN and Caretaker of the Sacredness of all Life.


An Emissary of Peace is boundless in their presence and scope of creative expression. Neither tethered to any dogma, philosophical, religious, political, cultural or racial conditioning.


An Emissary's Presence is free to be shared and received everywhere and free to be actively involved in everything that serves life.


Such is the way of Peace, for it is the very fragrance of Divine Love. The only true power that permeates all of life, regardless of our awareness of its presence or not.


It is neither bound by ignorance nor suffering, for it is boundless and unconditional by its very nature.


Peace is eternally pure, untainted, and indestructible, hence it...


'Surpasses all understanding'.

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